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Please use the drop-down menu below to select your academic staff association.
Pursuant to the CAUT By-law, local, federated, and provincial member associations can appoint just one official ‘delegate’, and one or more ‘alternate delegates’, to attend the Council meeting.
Official Delegate
Alternate Delegate
Saturday, May 3
I will attend ($75.00 + $9.75 HST) I will not attend
I am bringing a guest ($75.00 + $9.75 HST)
Thursday, May 1 (9:00 – 10:00) For new delegates to CAUT Council, this session will provide an overview of procedures and rules of order for the meeting. There will also be a review of CAUT’s organizational structure, activities and services, and meeting policies.
I will attend
Please indicate dietary needs or check “Not Applicable”
Vegetarian Allergies Food Restrictions Other Not Applicable
CAUT is committed to ensuring that participants with disabilities enjoy barrier-free access to the meeting. Please indicate if you require accommodation or check “Not Applicable”.
You may apply for reimbursement of costs associated with providing alternative care for dependants who rely primarily upon you for physical care. Click here for more information. Dependant care reimbursement requested
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